Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Enough Conspiracy Theories

Many an idiot has believed many ridiculous ideas in order to make some sense of the world. I have myself. No one is immune to ignorance. The surprising part is how many people indulge their ignorance. Instead of being angry, use your energy to find the truth. Some truths are evident. Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK. Muslim Terrorists were behind 9-11. Accept it.
I know, people do things for money, like Halliburton. No-bid contracts are common for Defense Department work because we don't want our enemies to know all of our military expenditures. Think about it.
Let the internet that Shulda bin President Al Gore invented be a guide. If you can find wacko theories about fluoridation, you can know why polar ice caps calve.
There are some real phenomenon that need explaining. Start with a phone bill. Or how a phone works. These things are everywhere and no one can tell me how they work. I went to the library one time to find out, I couldn't find a decent book on the subject. Then I find Homeland Security was monitoring my account there. I mean c'mon. Have you heard about this Patriot Act. I though this was a free country.

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