Friday, December 21, 2007
Good advice
I found another website that gets people to do stupid things in public for a bit of attention. There is a bit of that in all of us. Check out the girl who gets peanut butter licked off her by dogs in public at a dog park. Apparently she is getting back at her boyfriend or something. I don't know what thought process gets you to that point, to each their own.
For all you cat people, here's a website that you may have visited already. If not, it is called and they post new pictures each day of cats who are decorated in an innovative fashion. I can't tell if the cats mind or not, can you.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
A Crab Nebula it isn't!

Oh yeah, for all you Batman fans who haven't seen the new trailer. Click on the link to see the YouTube .
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Am I the only one who does this?
Sometimes I will just sit near the TV and flip channel after channel while doing not much else.
When I finally find something that I want to watch, then I start to clean my apartment or cook a meal.
I sit through a couple hours of crap and then start to take care of stuff when a good show is on the tube.
Why do I need to make sure the TV situation is fine before I can start doing anything else?
I know why I went without it for so long.
Another thing about TV, if you do something dumb enough you will get on it. You can do something really smart as well, but that takes a lot of effort most people can't or won't put forth.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
You have to read this!
Check this out:
A SCARY WAY TO BREAK UP!!!!! DO NOT stop reading this or something bad will happen!!!!!!!! One day, Sarah was walking home from school when her boyfriend drove by and honked at her to get in. She got in his car and he drove her to the lake. Her boyfriend said he was going to tell her something very important. Sarah could have sworn he was going to propose. However, he flicked her off, pushed her in the lake and yelled, "I am breaking up with you, you awful .......!! I hate you and I think that maybe you should just end your .............. life! DUMB ....................!!!" He laughed and drove off. It was a very cold day. Sarah climbed out of the lake, freezing cold, and feeling the worst she had in her entire life. She got home went in a hot bath, and slit her wrists and died in the bathtub. Her parents yelled and screamed at her to get out until they finally broke the door down. They saw no body, but the entire bathroom was dripping with her blood. Her mom went insane and killed herself three days later, her dad is in prison, accused of murder. Later that week, Sarah's ex-boyfriend was taking a shower when she came from the drain, rotting and bloody, with a razor in her hand and said "Goodbye Jason." She cut his throat before he could scream. If you do not repost this with the title "1 scary way to break up", you are a heartless ..............and Sarah come to you in the shower from the drain, and will kill you the same way she killed her boyfriend. 24 ppl have broken this chain and died close.
So you had better get out there and repost it. Or else I may be hearing about your murder on TV. HaHaHaHa!
Really. This is what some people waste their time doing. I waste a lot of time. But this, where is the payoff? "I think I scared some 14 year olds who have computers!"
I especially love the blackmail aspect of these kinds of chain mails. 24 ppl have broken this chain and died. Oh no, I had better be diligent in my efforts to get this around in case the spirit's bureaucracy is up to snuff.
Blackmail is never nice. I have friends and family members who send me emails which demand that I pass them on, or conversely, I will not love America, Jesus, sick people, them, puppies, dolphins, God, hamburgers or any numbers of good things in the world.
So please never pass on a chain mail unless you are doing it for a good reason, like gathering support for securing our borders. You will be hearing from me soon.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Who Loves Animals?
Did you know that not only is there a book and movie called The Devil Wears Prada, but also a band by the same name? Wow, what a coincidence. I haven't yet realized which came first. I mean, the book generated the movie. I don't think a bunch of teen metal heads would come up with this name on their own. But why would a bunch of teen agers name themselves after an Anne Hathaway movie? I don't get it. None of their songs are relating to the movie at all. There is no mention of Meryl Streep, fashion, Paris, Adrien Grenier, what is the deal? Oh yeah, in case you don't link to them, the band is a Christian scream metal band. They aren't bad. Then again, I like that sort of thing. I also admit to enjoying the movie.
Isn't Meryl Streep a funny name? I dare you to look at it for 10 seconds and not laugh. what did her mother say when she was born? "She looks like a Meryl." At least now the rest of us know what one looks like.
What the hell is with Eddie Murphy? When did his career turn into one big fat JOKE? Wait, one BIG fat joke? big FAT joke? Where do I put the emphasis there? I want to say that his career has been about making fat jokes into movies. Not that his career is a joke. Who would go see this movie? Why? Why not just go follow some slobs around Wal-Mart? Same deal.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The wheel keeps turning
It makes me wonder why a friend would to that to people who count on him these 5 hours every week. Was it anger? If you don't want to be around somebody, you have lots of time to make that known in advance. Just to blow something off like that says "screw you" loud and clear.
Another annoyance
Al Sharptongue and Jesse Jerkson make their media round every time something happens to some black people. Some was called a name, it doesn't need to be the "n" word anymore, just something black rappers use and white people can't. Or someone goes to jail, even when they are guilty, these guys look for some irregularity to pounce on for their own narcissism.
I am amazed that all people don't really see how irrelevant these fellows are. What racism still exist in this country today? Let's look for some. Who are two of the most popular daytime talk personalities? Oprah and Tyra. Who do I see every time I turn on the TV? Beyonce. We're so not racist, no one has ever said, 'Beyonce' what kind of a name is that? Here is one of her commercials. It looks just like every other one.
Movies? Denzel Washington.
Golf? Tiger Woods.
Hoops? Need I go on?
Democratic Presidential nominee? Barack Hussein Obama. You won't see that middle name anywhere on his website. I think he will be the nominee. That way Democrats will actually prove how badly they don't want to fight the war on terror. But I digress.
Since some of our most prominent and successful Americans are people of color, what are our hustlers of color left to do? They harass Kramer, stand up for hoodlums in Louisiana, give Don Imus more attention he doesn't really deserve, and even stand up for pet abusers. If these people deserve attention? There must not be too much real discrimination happening.
When you can't find any injustice, change the definition.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Always late
Where you been? Getting high?
What's with your eyes, are you high?
I'm gonna get a real job, where fewer people show up high.
Maybe you wouldn't succumb to so many conspiracy theories if you weren't high. I used to believe a lot of dumb things when I was stoned. I don't get stoned anymore and I believe less stupid things. Maybe some would disagree. I voted for Bush in 2004. Most people I know would say that was stupid. I wonder what the percent of pot smokers voted for him. My guess would be 15%. Maybe High Times has done a formal survey. Ha ha. Here's the hard news they are covering this month. Willie Nelson, the Stoner Cup, indoor growing and you get the idea.
Unfortunately, stopping getting high doesn't stop me or anybody from doing dumb things. We are all imperfect. I think that is the one challenge humanity has over the rest of the organisms on this planet. You could argue that every other living thing is perfect. They are also less complex, but still perfect. Humans don't and never will enjoy that luxury. We will sometimes be late even when we know it is wrong. Heavy stuff.
So here's a video to take your mind off that situation.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Thoughts Today
I hate when you are watching something on TV and they advertise the show or sport you are already watching. Look, I'm already sold. Enough. You're losing me. Which is true. They are. I prefer to watch movies.
It's December 7th. 2007. The 66th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Imperial Japanese and the United States entry into World War 2. Let's get drunk on kamikaze shots and drive our Honda Accords home.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
You used to be cool
What happened to you?
We used to stay out late.
You would drive drunk and get away with it.
You were single and had many chicks,
not just one you took to see shitty movies.
None of your shirts had collars.
Everybody knew you,
but no one knew you.
Bartenders and blondes wondered why you weren't around.
Your car was fast and bad on gas.
You would rather quit your job
than miss a trip to Vegas or Burningman
No used to be on backwards
Yes was your first instinct
You used to be cool.....
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Wow, bad Television
Anyway, I did a search on Youtube for According to Jim and I found this video. Which I believe is how most people feel about the show.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
You’re supposed to blog every day?
Here are two things I thought about today.
I am not sure that anybody knows what this word means. Lots of people think you have to do something good to have good karma. I would point out that this is more of a Christian concept in our society as opposed to a Buddhist one. Many people act like Christian but are afraid to stigmatize themselves as such, especially here in California. Neither religion is practiced by the people who like to throw this word around. Practicing a religion does mean that you actually go to their house of worship or perform a rite. Back to Karma.
I don't think it will improve my Karma if I give you a tip for charging me for coffee that I pour myself. I also won't tip you for doing a regular job like making me a sandwich or heating up a slice of pizza.
I may sometimes if I go there often, but it feels a bit like a hassle to see a tip cup, when not much is really being done to earn a tip. Seeing a tip cup where no tip is justified may actually deter me from going to a place.
Bartenders and servers have a greater measure of responsibility that a barrista or a cashier, that is why they are tipped professions.
I think tipping a cashier will get you bad Karma for being a dumbass.
Here are some definitions of Karma:
- Hinduism & Buddhism. The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.
- Fate; destiny.
- Informal. A distinctive aura, atmosphere, or feeling: There's bad karma around the house today.
Next topic:Job search tips
I got these in my email today. They are the Seven Deadly Interview Sins. When I read them, I didn't know how people could not already have these figured out. They are basic. Let's consider each one.
Showing up late. This doesn't work when you have the job. I tried this once after I stayed late at work the day before. I got yelled at by my boss. I never worked late again.
Inappropriately dressed. After living in California so long after growing up in New York, I can't tell what this means anymore. These people dress like they are going to Target everywhere they go. Unless you are 25 and going to the club, then you need a striped shirt and some hair gel.
Lying. Employers don't respect liars? Well, I'll be damned. You can only lie to them after they hire you. Then, be the first one to lie to them so they are more likely to believe you.
Bringing your parent to the interview. Mommy, tell that man to give me a job. They also don't take notes from them when you are sick. You gots to go to a "office" doctor.
Not knowing your own 'History'. I thought most places were looking for a tabula rasa so they could mold you according to their mission statement. I guess I am wrong.
Cellphone/pager beeping buzzing. What if I get a better offer while I am in the interview? You have to keep your options open all times. I do, That is why I have time to write this blog right now. I got work in a bar and wear crazy pants, my options are open. Anyways, my phone is my office, I am in their office, they have a phone that might ring. It is only fair.
Not asking questions. I think I am finished here.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Prepare to feel guarded
There is not much a security guard can really do. Well, you aren't supposed to do much. Be polite, be firm, and keep your eyes open. You can't search people, except for weapons. You can't arrest people, any more that a regular person does. IF you do, you must turn them over to the cops and they decide what to do. They may let them go.
What really goes on when you are working, you are supposed to watch for trouble and take notes and names if necessary.
It is pretty much what we were already doing. Except, some guys think you are supposed to be flirting or just sitting on your ass and talking to your friends. You know who you are.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thanksgiving Activites
- Drink a case of beer, by myself at a party in Chrissy Smathers' basement. Other people also drank their own case of beer.
- Crawl out of bed, down the stairs, and to the television to watch Barry Sanders and the Lions play football. In spite of the worst hangover I ever had to date.
- Play wiffle ball in a small front yard and try not to trip on the curb while attempting to catch a fly ball and hold a beer.
- Have a Trivial Pursuit tournament with a bunch of friends. See who knows the most and who is all talk.
- Eat too many Hors D'oeuvre's and not have enough room for dinner. Then spend the whole next day being hungry and thinking only about the food you didn't eat, which was awesome.
- Pondering whether or not it is appropriate to try to get laid on a holiday. Am I that type of person? Really? Can't I just live in the moment once in a while?
- Play football, then watch football, then watch more football, then eat and watch more football.
- Eat Thanksgiving leftovers and watch football the next day.
- Teach and get your friends hooked on Guitar Hero, even after they have all seen the South Park episode making fun of it.
- Sing and play actual guitars around a campfire. It is fun to try and match the words people know with the songs they can actually play.
- Drive from Rochester to Detroit through Canada. Just to make sure it is cold enough.
- Eat with 25 of your closest Sicilian-American relatives. This included all the traditional foods as well as Calamari, Pizza, Pasta, and baklava.
- Watch a car flip into a ditch while driving back from Detroit through Canada. The road was icy.
- Sit around in your Bachelor pad being hungry and watching the damned Lions play like crap. Only the hungry part is my fault.
- Laundry. No one else in your building is doing theirs that day. Except that weird neighbor lady whose only friend is her mom who lives in a home. She also yells at the TV. "Baloney, aww bullshit." Which gives you uncomfortable prescience about your future, if you stay single forever as well.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Fake answers and Druids
Why am I getting "shocked" from EVRYTHING I touch??
My Answer:
You have a high ratio of Midi-chlorians in your blood. You could be the chosen one. You need to learn to control the force before it is too late. Contact your nearest Jedi Council member as soon as possible.
Maybe I shouldn't have watched the first 3 Star Wars, meaning the most recent 3 Star Wars last week. But there you go.
Also, here's a great druid/wiccan/coven myspace page. Don't these geeks realize that they were the dorks of those centuries and reviving a dead pagan religion in an even dorkier, modern way, just proves what dorks they are. IT is a free country. BE as dorky as you want. Just expect some people to want to kick your ass. At least today it is just a butt kicking. In the Dark Ages, it would have been extermination.
Listen to the music, it totally sucks, mainly because we have electricity now. Try not to laugh when you do. Really, try not to laugh, I bet you can't. Unless you have a high count of Midi-chlorians in your blood.
Friday, November 09, 2007
The only rapper I like has Trojan written on the outside.
I did some open mic comedy last evening. My friend Sara and Scott, the club owner thought it went well. I went first so the audience wasn't warmed up yet.
I wish I knew how to post audio, so I will in the future, cause I can learn stuff. But for this post, I will just type in some joke I used. Well, cut and paste them, because retyping them is such a pain.
Does it seem premature for the History channel to have a special about Nostradamus?.
Does anyone else think Mick Jagger is a liar for still singing Satisfaction? I mean, if there is anybody on this Earth who is satisfied, it is Mick 'I get it all I want anytime' Jagger. If he is still unsatisfied, he’d better become a Buddhist.
Are you automatically an asshole if you drive a monster truck sporting a handicapped license plate?
Are you guys good listeners? Cause my last girlfriend said I wasn’t a good listener. Well, she left a note. So, I went and bought an audio book about how to be a better listener. She left anyway. Too bad the tape worked, now I can really tune in to the sound of myself crying.
I even got my first cell phone for that woman. I love it, it’s a real time saver. I don’t have to wait until I get home to find out she’s not trying to call me.
Losing your girlfriend really kills your confidence. To get over it, I wrote some jokes about confidence, but I don’t think you’ll like any of them.
Part of confidence is caring about what people think about you. Some people don’t care what other people think about them, I call those people stoners.
Those are just a few. More to come.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Been Away
I am at my sisters computer.
I am looking for a new job.
This is only fun if you are meeting people.
I hope to make money soon.
I am getting bored.
I haven't my own place or Internet.
I will blog more from now on.
It won't be about Europe as much.
It won't be all about my job search.
It will be a little of both.
I hope to get some dating in here as well.
I have missed you.
Did you miss me?
Oh, I do have one job.
I host Live Band Karaoke on Tuesday evenings.
I will see you there.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Reichstag Dome
This architectural wonder sits atop the German parliament called the Reichstag. If you want a history lesson, go to Wikipedia or pay for a tour like I did. I waited maybe an hour to get in the place. Security is rigid. You can look down on to the parliament while they are pretending to work. You can also walk up the spiral staircase to the top. You can also walk outside the dome on the roof. What I would give to be able to do that in DC or Sactown. Every time I compare Europe with the States, Europe seems to win. Do I think the US needs to change? In a lot of ways, yes. Do I wish we changed our security? No. We could use more choice as far as individuals wanting to run their businesses their way I am not going to denigrate our wonderful land because we over employ tons of busybodies. Europe has their share. I wonder what language they will all decide to speak? Esperanto? Latin?
I wonder what made the Germans put this dome on the old Reichstag? I guess it symbolizes the Reunification, I can't imagine how, but it must in some way. Maybe you know.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Today's Europe Picture
This is a live music venue in Amsterdam called Paradiso. It is located at Weteringschans 6-8. I saw Ben Ottewell play here. He is in Gomez. I was late for the show because I was having dinner with friends. I wish I wasn't late. I got in for free because I was late. I still saw at least half of his performance. I recorded it on my iRiver. It sounds OK. You can have a copy if you ask nice enough. You should see a concert here if you go to Amsterdam. Don't spend all of your time drinking Heineken, smoking the weed, and drooling over hookers. The town has so much more to offer. However if you are lonely, those other things sound real good.
I just watched The Departed
Who was that chick in the movie?
Why was there only one?
There are a lot of good films, of course. But you have to find some way to fit babes into your film. 300 did it. The film was covered in shirtless Spartan soldiers. Not all that cool. The payoff was that the queen also got shirtless . She is a hottie. So was the girl from Departed. Let me give you their names.
Lena Heady played Queen Gorgo in 300
Vera Farmiga played Madolyn in The Departed.
They were both born in 1973, which means they are both the perfect age for me to date. How lucky I am.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
One Bridge
These are two views of the same train station in East Berlin. I still call it that. I don't remember people trying not to call the East side of Berlin East Berlin. It isn't the official name any longer, but it was for a long time. And the two sides are still very distinct.
If you like blight, try east Berlin. I assume the rents are lower. My bed at the hostel was much cheaper than when I stayed on the West Side.
In the States, the East side of town is usually the better, or more expensive side of town. Scottsdale is on the east side of Phoenix. Fairport is on the east side of Rochester. I guess that goes to show how much Communism can really screw up the natural order of things.
The reason I took these pictures is I think the station is so remarkable. I didn't expect to see something like it on this side of town. Nothing else surely was up to par with this urban structure. Brick is never really given its due. Or maybe it isn't power washed so it can look it's best.
The only yellow train in Berlin also stopped at this station.
I am not engaging in any sort of brickophilia. I think I liked seeing the contrast. My time in Berlin was split between the either side of town. Where was there more fun to be had? The east side. What was cleaner and safer looking? The west side. Why do you care? Maybe you do not.
I don't know when this structure was built. Before or after the fall of the Wall. It would matter if I were a historian. (Then you would all see what I could do.) I don't know anything other than I like the way this looks.
It shows that you never know what you are going to get. When I got off the the train at Warshauser Strasse, I had never been so underwhelmed by a first look at a part of town in my whole life. West Berlin looked like a place I wouldn't mind spending time. It wasn't. East Berlin looked like a place that had nothing much to offer. It wasn't.
That is one reason why I like to amble when I travel. Agendas and plans are for politicians and businessmen. I am looking around to see what will surprise me next.
Friday, March 23, 2007
On the Dark Side
This is the Reeperbahn. Stay away from this place when in Hamburg. I took these photos on the bus tour. I made the mistake of going to look for a normal bar for just a drink. Never happened. What did happen was 100 hookers tried to convince me to pay them for sexual favors and 25 barkers tried to get me into their strip clubs. It didn't happen. It was annoying. This was my first night in town and I didn't know where to go. I swear. I bet there was some guy in town dying to find strippers and all he could find was a regular bar.
I didn't eat at the Pizza Hut. I didn't stay in Hamburg very long.
Click on the lower photo, you can see the street sign that says Reeperbahn.
First podcast about Europe is up!
I took this photo in Hannover, Germany. These are big balls.
I quit my job, closed my apartment, and took off to Europe and parts unknown with languages I cannot even begin to understand. I did it. So could you. Give life a try!
This latest Seano and Jefe Show is up! Seano asks me what I can remember about my trip.
Not a full boring travel log, but Seano questions me about things that I wrote in this blog that caught his interest.
It is my return to the states!
My return to podcasting!
Your return to the Seano and Jefe Show!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
This is the Jagermeister Headquarters. They make all of the pertinent decisions about how to produce Jagermeister. This is probably one of the most important places in the world. Many people rely on their product, pardon me, nectar, soma, no, plasma, that's the word, for their good times. Since you are reading my blog, you know what I mean. Others who need the importance explained to them, email me, I will hold your hand so you understand why the HUNTERMASTER is the premiere beverage in the land.
A few facts for you not in the know. (These may have been in an earlier post)
- They only make Jager now. OK they make one other liquor. I am not telling the name and it only constitutes about .01% of the company's production. The other 99.99% is Jager.
- They don't make alcohol. True fact. The fine folks at Jagermeister only flavor a combination of ethanol and water to create this liquid manna.
- This black gold is aged. Jager is aged as are fine wines and whiskeys. The factory even employs coopers to make sure the casks are properly maintained. These casks are as big a a bedroom.
- The employees there never complain. They get to drink Jager on their coffee breaks. I saw them. They also have a private chef when they are working. Professionals are provided on Fridays for anyone who wants oral sex. I am assuming the last one, bit I feel it is a logical conclusion.
- There is no deer blood in Jagermeister. However, they are rather protective over their secret ingredient. They wished to change the label for sale in the U.S. The FDA(Federal Dickhead Authority) said they must divulge all ingredients in order to do so. "Hey why don't we give away our secret so our business can be ruined and out town can go broke. Great idea!" Stay tuned for another installment of 'Stupid Things Which Bureaucracies Expect People to Comply.' Don't expect to see a different Jager label in the States ever.
- You can't buy their stock. Jagermeister is a privately held company. They have 3 primary shareholders. They don't work for the company directly. If they are smart, they never will. The people they pay will always have the incentive of needing money more than the.
- The tour was free and they give you stuff. I received a small bottle of Jager, a Jager bag, pen, hat, and key chain. All will be used in loving memory.
This is how you should always serve Jagermeister. It is easy to remember. The label tells you Serve Cold-Keep On Ice. One commandment isn't hard to follow. In this case, the Jager was kept in a freezer and served in a glass from the freezer. More than OK. As long as it is cold. If it is not cold, employ other tactics.
The quickest way to chill Jagermeister is an ice bath.
- Fill a basin with water and ice.
- Deposit bottle of Jager.
- 30 minutes later, you gots cold Jager
- Enjoy responsibly.
- Forget number 4
- Mix with Red Bull for girls.
- Mix with anything else over ice, if you don't want shots.
- Just drink Jager.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
The Station
Monday, March 19, 2007
The Dutch love their bicycles.
The first photo is the bike parking area near the Tilburg main station. I didn't see this many people while I was there. yet here are there bikes. I think they have extras just in case. It may be a crime in the Netherlands to go without one.
They are a tall and healthy people. They have a small country. Where would they put them all if these bikes were cars? They wouldn't need to drop them off at the train station. Maybe they have cars but don't drive them because they have no where to leave them when they take the train? We don't bother with that here in the states, we just don't take the train.
The second photo is plainly a stoplight. The interesting part is that it has separate signals for bikes and cars, something I hadn't seen prior to this trip to Amsterdam. I am not even sure that this light is even meant for cars at all. Reinforcing my belief that the Dutch are obsessed with bikes.
Travel tip: Don't you dare get caught walking in the bike lane. You will be hit or harassed. My discovery of this was in Tilburg. I was wandering about the main commercial/entertainment area of town. The bike lane is not in the road like in the U.S. or many other cities in Europe. While trying to find my way around the place, I heard a ringing from behind me. I was non-verbally being told to get the hell out of the way. I am glad I learned this in a smaller town than Amsterdam.
Popular chatter tells us that we will all be safer without these cars we hold so dear. I am far from believing that to be true.
I am no pro-auto lobbyist. I really don't like driving, but it isn't a bad necessity.
I ride my bike for exercise far from busy streets.
I am not sure I want to move to a European style of public transport. Riding ones bike in the rain holds no appeal.
More damage is done by a bus or a tram a lot than by a car. Cars stop faster.
Of course, one can spend a lot of money very quickly on gasoline.
One more of life's trade-offs we need contemplate.
At no time in writing this piece about the Dutch did I obviously rhyme bikes with the word that describes a wall built to protect human occupied lands from encroaching bodies of water.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Beer Bottles
Beer is probably the most important contribution the Europeans have made to the world.
I defy anyone to one up me there.
Don't try you can't.
Heineken was hardly the best beer I had over there. It wasn't even the best tour I went on. Although, it was the tour that involved the most beer. I didn't try to take any tours of any other breweries. Thinking about that now, what a huge mistake!
When I spent day after day in Berlin, not knowing what to do, did it cross my mind to go see a brewery? No!
Make that a lesson to yourselves people. But then again, you can't do it all. I guess going to as many breweries as museums can get just as mundane. But the Heineken Experience didn't even show them actually making beer. It was mainly a marketing ploy that you paid to see. How's that for reverse psychology?
Not that there weren't good things to see there. Like all of theses beer bottles. they are really hooked on the color green. These are two of my favorite pictures from the tour.
1. They do not include any examples of Heineken trying to sell me beer after I have already paid to be in, well near the factory.
2. Any overabundance of any consumer product concentrated in one place is always good for pop art. Thanks Warhol.
3. It reminds me, that I was in that place by myself and no one came over and said hello or tried to drink with me. You selfish fucks. If someone is alone, it can only be obvious that they are alone. Thanks for nothing. Now I know why so few people have chosen to travel alone like I did. I had to ask a tour worker to take that first photo.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Back in the States
One thing you want to do after travelling for two months straight is nothing.
I did go to Vienna and did a quick tour of the city. It was a nice clean place. People were pleasant enough just like they were in all other places I went. The city is impressive as was the Schonbrunn Palace.
That palace showcased the opulence of the Hapsburgs, the last royal family of Austria-Hungary. The Austrians claim them still, the Hungarians do not. Few conquered peoples celebrate their former foreign heads of state, no matter how illustrious.
I want to compare the Swiss and the Austrians. I am not qualified. They may have their similarities, but I haven't been exposed to enough Austrians to be accurate. I may harbor a little bitterness towards the former.
But what can one do? Love dies and grows again. Most experiences need to be seen as a positive sooner or later. If you choose to do the opposite, life will be one bitter pill taken over and over, soon with less frequency because you aren't trying at all anymore.
I am glad I tried without worrying too much about whether or not success was guaranteed. I am a better person for doing so. I have seen more of the world than I ever thought I would, but maybe not as much as I want.
One thing I feel after every break up is that I wanted to do more. This could have been said easily about other women I have dated as about Nina. It was just more true about Nina. Yeah, it wasn't meant to be. That is also something you get sick of telling yourself. Try not believing that something isn't wrong. That is something that you just don't think about for long.
Enough of that. On to something else.
More blogs coming with photos from the trip.
Currently listening :
The Boatman's Call
By Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
Release date: By 04 March, 1997
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Still in Beograd
Current mood: Grade A prime cut meated
Well, I haven't been able to leave.
I had wanted to spend 2 or 3 days in Vienna, that ain't gonna happen. I know people here and it is more interesting than another museum or gothic church. I assume they have them in Austria. In Belgrade they are Eastern Orthodox and the churches have a different style. they aren't as nice but stilll good in a different way.
I have been all over Central Belgrade this week. the city park is an old castle called Kalamegdon. There are vendors during the day and people relaxing. It is a bit of history and open space. You could have a picnic, walk your dog, or kiss your sweetie. there are also the old structures and some old tanks and cannons from 20th century wars.
One important thing to remember is that this city was bombed by NATO 11 years ago. There are still holes in many buildings right around my hotel. These are all guarded by Serbia military, no matter how cold. I have not gotten in too much trouble for being American for that. These people have more ire for Clinton than Bush, as opposed to the rest of Europe.
I haven't had too many political discussions on my trip. I did have one with a woman named Melitzza. She has a Masters in Sociology and she is Montenegran. Guess if we had different opinions.
She is also having a rough time because Montenegro split from Serbia and she has been living here for 15 years and wants to live here but still keep her original citizenship. On top of that, 11 professors here were arrested for selling diplomas which is putting her credentials under scrutiny. Does anyone else think America is over regulated?
We got along, mainly because I kept my mouth shut and listened. She was also hot and also had a boyfriend. A great guy, he played drums in the Black Sabbath cover band.
Mike and I have been walking the town, seeing some of his friends, and sampling the local food and brew. Both are very good. Let me make this clear, you cannot walk 5 minutes in this city without seeing a totally smoking hot sexy fine young woman.
I wish they all could be Califonia Girls.
This may be may last post for a bit as travel and time may prevent more blogging. I have seen all the babes in this cafe already!
Currently listening :
By Army of Lovers
Release date: By 09 April, 1992
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Belgrade Blowout
Current mood: Tired and Red
Thursday we stayed out until 4 am. we to a few clubs with these guys Doca and Dan. they are locals and seem to enjoy the drinks we buy quite a lot. but they are a lot of fun and we picked up another friend whose name escapes me at the time. we knew Doca (pronounced Dote za who we now call Doatzer) was seeing how close he could walk next to speeding cars as we crossed busy streets. we went to a student center and saw a really good Black Sabbath tribute band. Me and Mike beat those guys at Foosball. and we hate soccer. The clubs here are cool cause they are probably in an old basement.
Friday we stayed out until noon. We went to Academia again. Dan is a Bartender there. When get to the bar, he pours us two beers, two shots, and lights up a joint. That has not happened to me anywhere before. Anyone else think America is over regulated?
Mike and I met these girls at the student center earlier that day. They said they were going to the KZT, another student center. I am pretty sure they couldn't drink in bars in the US. Anyone else think America is over regulated? And she said I was old enough to be her dad. She didn't get the 'whose your daddy?' aspect, but her English is good as she teaches it. They were Jelena and Anastasia. Anastasia is Greek as well as Serbian. And they have great tits. In case anyone is curious. I haven't seen them out of a sweater, but .....
We had fun at that club. The DJ played Sepultura's Rhattamahatta so we went and danced. Something I hadn't done before either. I went to a dance club and heard no Rap music. something I blah blah
Jelena introduced us to this guy named Ivan, born in Serbia, grew up in Canada Toronto area, and is back here. A real happy fellow, especially happy to meet someone he has some things in common. He says he is treated a bit like an outsider since he grew up outside Serbia.
People here seem to have a camaraderie I don't see back in the states.
That place closed at 4am I think. we walked around in the cold looking for places to go and picking up new folks along the way.
There was another Mike or Majk. He threw Molotov cocktails at the US Embassy.
Some long haired guy who was with Mike McArdles friend Juliana.
Some chick named Dragona who never showed me her tits, although I did get to kiss her.
Some girl with a pierced tongue, nose, and lip who doesn't think she has a soul.
this guy with a yellow bike named Nened. He saw our crew going into this bar at 7am and decided to come in as opposed to going to work. Not a lot of people have bikes here.
We wandered, bought beer, drank in the street, and went to this bar where there were 50 year old Serbs drinking at the same time. I am sure they just woke up though.
By 11 am it was just me, Nened, Dragona, and the pierced chick. I bought breakfast and Nened was a gentleman and walked me home. I knew the way. I think he was being polite cause I bought beer and cigarettes.
I slept till 8pm. There was NHL on the TV, unlike in the states.
At 10 pm on Saturday, Juliana and Mike came by the Hotel to get me and we went to the Student center again to see the Serbian hardcore band Atheist Rap. I will let you guess how good Serbian hardcore is. The crowd loved it. they knew all the words.
We left there at 2:30am and got some pizza. this place is always open and busy. And surrounded by hot women. I will go there again. They also put ketchup on pizza. Gross. But the women are hot.
And that is it so far. I know I have forgotten parts.
Currently listening :
By Sepultura
Release date: By 21 November, 1996
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Miles and miles
Current mood: Belgraded!
So today I am in belgrade serbia.
I wandered for blocks until I picked a hotel.
It is just what you would expect, nothing special.
I am here checking my email and thank god Mike McArdle got online. he is an old friend and the only reason I came to this place.
Travelling alone has been rough. i never knew how much I wanted or needed companionship.
It is a great test andI think I am passing, except when I get to a new city, don't speak the language, and feel all alone in the world.
I am not looking for sympathy, I just think that is the way it goes when you do something like this.
As you may know, I am not the most outgoing person from the start.
I am learning about how I feel about people.
They are generally a friendly bunch. That is usually because I am buying something from them. Here's to the free market!
Like all places, you only make friends with people you have a need for or there's a common link. That doesn't happen in a day.
To all of you, I am glad I needed you or we share something in common.
Italy has the best looking women so far. Florence and Venice and Pisa are just as beautiful as I had heard. Trieste is not as great, but has a super view of the Adriatic Sea.
I need to call my friend, I need the company.
Currently listening :
All by Myself
By Eric Carmen
Release date: By 15 December, 1999
Current mood: feet hurted
Rome is beautiful and they never stop making you pay for it.
I am not all together sure it was worth it.
I say that everywhere I go and afterwards, I think back and say, I liked it there.
I am not sure what every one thinks they are supposed to do when they travel. Go and see shit and take a picture. It is hard to fill a day that way when your feet hurt. But I look back and It was all a pretty good time.
I went to Pisa. That tower is leaning. There are 2 other buildings next to it and I don't think anyone has ever mentioned them. Have you?
Florence is cool. I hope I get into the Uffuzi museum, if that is the name. Guess the got some good art in there.
One thing they have here, green marble. I think they bought all of it actually because I have never seen it anywhere else. They did this because the Roman bought all the red marble. That's why the Vatican is worth so much. And all that gold on the ceiling.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Buongiorno Sicilia
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
There's a feeling I get when I look to the West and my spirit is crying for leaving. That feeling said to go to Sicily. So I did.
As far as I can tell, my great great grandfather left this island in 1883. he never returned. I don't know who in my family has. I may be the first in the line to come back here.
Sometimes I see why he left. The city crowds the hill it is on. Aprtments are jammed next to each other like angry co-workers at a telemarketing call center. It is easy to tell whose baby is crying.
The ancient beauty is unmistakable. The city owns that distinct mediterranean feel. Termini Immerse is its name. The country side has volcanic hills covered with greenery. This is one of the most exceptional place I have ever seen.
I think he didn't return because he wouldn't want to leave again. I know I don't.
So I went from Zurich to rome to Palermo. It took a whole day. good thing I could make a hotel reservation at the train station for Palermo in Rome. Theses rooms haven't been cheap. For the asthetics you pay.
I am feeling better than I ever have. Maybe it's the weather or the coming home feeling, or that oath I swore on that canoli. Probably all three.
Palermo was great. I had a wonderful meal. 3 courses and marsala digestif. It only took an hour to pay. who says they aren't go getters on the islands.
Everywhere you look there are the names of your friends from America. Longo, Corso, Rugerio, Sansone, Lo Duca, Battaglia, Ventura, and so on.
People look familiar as well. It is nothing like I have experienced anywhere else in Europe so far.
I will leave tomorrow. Off to Rome.
I need to get a bed. Bye.
Buongiorno Sicilia
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
There's a feeling I get when I look to the West and my spirit is crying for leaving. That feeling said to go to Sicily. So I did.
As far as I can tell, my great great grandfather left this island in 1883. he never returned. I don't know who in my family has. I may be the first in the line to come back here.
Sometimes I see why he left. The city crowds the hill it is on. Aprtments are jammed next to each other like angry co-workers at a telemarketing call center. It is easy to tell whose baby is crying.
The ancient beauty is unmistakable. The city owns that distinct mediterranean feel. Termini Immerse is its name. The country side has volcanic hills covered with greenery. This is one of the most exceptional place I have ever seen.
I think he didn't return because he wouldn't want to leave again. I know I don't.
So I went from Zurich to rome to Palermo. It took a whole day. good thing I could make a hotel reservation at the train station for Palermo in Rome. Theses rooms haven't been cheap. For the asthetics you pay.
I am feeling better than I ever have. Maybe it's the weather or the coming home feeling, or that oath I swore on that canoli. Probably all three.
Palermo was great. I had a wonderful meal. 3 courses and marsala digestif. It only took an hour to pay. who says they aren't go getters on the islands.
Everywhere you look there are the names of your friends from America. Longo, Corso, Rugerio, Sansone, Lo Duca, Battaglia, Ventura, and so on.
People look familiar as well. It is nothing like I have experienced anywhere else in Europe so far.
I will leave tomorrow. Off to Rome.
I need to get a bed. Bye.
Sunny Day in Zurich
Friday, February 09, 2007
Current mood: very metal
So here I am back in Zurich.
I was hoping to see Nina. It never hurts to see a friendly face. Well, she is sick. I was more than disappointed. Which made me realize that I am not over her yet. It was easy to think so when I was out of town.I want to be her friend, but if I don't get over it I may just push her away, that I couldn't take. Besides, I wasn't without options anyway.
The night
I was in Zurich I went to this biker-american bar. The bartender took a liking to me and gave me her phone number.
I wrote her a text and asked if she was working. I didn't hear back and decided to go there anyway. Sometimes, your only option is your best.
She was pleased to see me and said hello. I got a beer an sat and watch the Metal videos on the TV. There was UFO, Magnum, Saxon, Deep Purple, and others that even I am unfamiliar. After that, there was a string of Whitesnake and Winger videos. These videos are so cheesey. For me the video takes away from the music.
The bartender, Fiorentina, a Romanian girl living here, loves David Coverdale from Whitesnake.
We also played this game for drinks where you hammer two nails next to each other into a big tree stump that is about belly high. The trick is, each turn you get one shot, thump thump, without resetting your aim. Then itis the others turn. Also you use the v-shaped side of the hammer, not the flat end.
She won. I didn't let her. drinks are expensive here.
She asked me out for tonight, if her roommate, a blonde stewardess, isn't free. She only gets to see her friend so often I guess.
So either I stay tonight or I go to Rome on the night train.
Currently listening :
Whitesnake's Greatest Hits
By Whitesnake
Release date: By 19 July, 1994
Train rides are long
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Category: Travel and Places
Well, you can't get there from here.
Train rides in Czech Republic are slow. Let's get that capital flowing. they still have some catching up to do but are still on their merry smoking an ddrinking little way. The foreigners come there at first to party, but soon they are back to work trying to make a buck like in their home country, except they've got a real young hot girlfriend. Money isn't everything.
I miss my news and political arguments. But I should be finding out what else makes me, me.
It is easy to do alot of the same things I did back home. Also easy to see new things. That makes up the bulk of new experiences.
I loaned smokes to a Czech guy named Evo on the train to Regensburg Germany. Nice fellow, but he smelled like beer and smokes and only spoke Czech and German. That is what he needs.
He was thrilled to meet someone from California. So I kept giving him smokes to make a generous impression. He knew about the governator and I didn't mind, even though that is all anybody knows. I don't feel like naming off national parks to change their minds.
I switched trains in Munich, this train was more crowded and it was rough tryin g to get a little rest. Then the train stopped on the tracks for like an hour and a half. I though I would miss my connection to Zurich, but guess what? The conncection was waiting at the next station. We got into Zurich an hour late. fine with me, I had no where to go that early anyway.
I dropped my gear off at the hostel, recharged my cell phone credit, and caught the next train to Davos via Landquart.
A beautiful ride down the zurichsee-lake. Still not much snow in Switzerland. What a pity, but I don't mind the warmer weather.
I watched some people ski and snowboard a half pipe. they sold corona, so I had 1. This guy was working the crowd and singing traditional songs, quite amusing. And then I walked the town and trained it back to Zurich. And here I am.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Going and going and going
No melancholy tones for me today.
No stories of crazy parties.
Just a few observations.
Europe is over doing it with the celebration of Jewish history. I know why they do it, but it does seem a bit much. What else can one do besides over react to Hitler? There are no Jews to fill up these synagogues they have so remarkably preserved. There will be a lot of dusting to do before they are.
That murderous psycho Che Guevara is everywhere . T-shirts and stickers. Some guy even tried to sell me a magazine with a photo of bin Laden as Che on the cover.
It's absurd. Trying to make A buck off two terrorists who want to destroy capitalism. One needs to take the long view in that case.
Also, Che consorted with the oppressors of East Germany and Czech Republic. Why would anyone, especially here want to celebrate that guy.
Let's have a party about when out lives sucked. In the states we through 70's or 80's parties to remind us of how silly we could be.
I haven't seen any Iron Curtain parties advertised anywhere. Why is that?
Getting a fast train from Czech republic is not possible. I should have known.
I am going back to Zurich, then off to Italy. Down one side and up the other. Probably. I would like to make it to Sicily but have been hearing only how far it is. Now I have to go. The challenge has been made.
Miss you all. Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Prague continued
Current mood: recovered
Category: recovered Parties and Nightlife
I forgot where I left off. So after we went to a bunch off half full clubs, we found a place where Ed saw another American. Tom, I think and he makes commercials or something. he was with a group of people who were seeing a friend off back to SF. They were partying. If you know what I mean. Ed and I weren't but we went along for the ride.
Tom got a Limo to take us to Mecca, cause the bus they had wasn't running. It was 100czk a piece, 1100 total. The limo was for some titty bar called dancers, but no one was getting in to go there, so the driver took us to the club.
This club was great, I still was trying to make myself dance.Not enough other dancers to get lost in though. I walked around, said hello to others in the group. but hung loose, I was a little uncomfortable. I had only been in town 28 or so.Yeah, I can be shy.
Also, in Prague, get used to seeing young women with older guys, it just happens. A lot. when in Rome.....
I didn't try though. Want to hear some excuses?
After being there a while, we took a couple of cabs to Laclan, another all morning club. this place starts at 4am. Still drinking I ambled around looking for a good place to crash.
I must have been out for an hour. here you can sleep in a bar. So i got up rejoined the group and found my second wind. I had my humor and social skills back. I was really enjoying myself, not that the rest was bad, but I didn't feel like a stranger anymore.
At about 10am, we left. Charity, a Canadian woman in our group about 32 and blond, said we could come to her place for drinks. Ed, Zoran, Charity and I went there straight away. She lived around the corner and had whiskey and wine.
She said this was the first time in 2 years she had been out. She has lived here for 5. I didn't believe her until she called her Jameson's scotch.
We listened to music and drank for hours, until 4pm, in her 6th floor apartment. the shades were drawn, sunlight was not our friend.
Zoran, the Serbian sensation, left before Ed and I.
Instead of going home, ed and I went around from place to place, eating, having a coffee, or another beer for the next 7 hours. Ed drank more than I did as beer tasted like puddle water to me at this point, but it kept him going. I also played the game on my cell phone to kill time.
So at midnight me go to Jaromir Jagr's sportsbar and watch the game. 2 more beers, chicken wings and some beef off the bone with a veggie skewer and we were done. Didn't see the end.
We really tried. 48 hours in Prague on 8 hours sleep. I still got it.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Spent the last weekend in Prague.
Found a room. Cleaned up and almost slept through the night. Glad I didin't. Got on the Metro and got off at Flora, hoping to find the club Ed Wade said he was going to be. Found it. It is called Infinity. The place was covered in beautiful women. What a first night!
Stayed the a while an drank many beers. Andrew is this American guy who works in mdeia in Prague. He loves it here, claimes the quality of life is better. Less work, less hassle. Compared to his job in the States, a similiar one that is.
Rob, this English guy, met Ed at the hostel they shared for a time. Rob works here as well. He ain't to smooth with the ladies. He was pawing this girl as I was talking with her. It was very bizarre. I didn't know if I should say anything and she said nothing about it.
Rob also told me there is a bar where you paz 500 crowns to get in, 200 for beers, and the women are free. You can do whatever you want with them, but the catch is that it will be sent over the internet. That's a big catch. What's the difference between freedom and moral rot? You decide.
Writing this blog for me keeps my sprits and curiousity going about htis trip. Thanks for reading.
I was out at that club and realized that it was after 4 am. I got a cab and went to my hostel.
I had to be out of there by 10 or lose 200 crowns. Not a good deal. I made it thanks to my 1st cell phone complete with alarm.
Ed said I could crash at his apartment. So I called him about noon. He had company the night before so was very tired.
I am still getting used to the phone and didn't want to use all of the credit on long distance cell phone calls.The pay phones in Europe are overpriced and worthless, especially if you plan to use change to pay. A phone card might work better.
I took a cab and called when I arrived. this included walking to 3 payphones which never worked, texting which didn't send and finally calling him which cost me like 3 chf, I think, my phone balance comes to me in German.
So i got there, he was still tired as was I. So we just sat around a while until we went to meet Silva at a club after our dinner.
She was cool, not much to say but I asked what my Czech name is and she said Sbynek, based on a guy at work with that name is called Jeff.
Then after more beer we to the tram to old town and hopped around the Ed's favorite places. Most weren't too busy because it was Saturday. People go all out on friday, so it is less busy at most places on Saturday.
I will finish this story later. IT doesn't end until the Super Bowl. Who won?
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
The Day I did nothing
I didn´t take notes yesterday. I didn´t write. I was brain dead. I walked a bit. East Berlin isn´t very interesting. Still not too bad. I guess you can see alot in a walking tour which I did 4 days ago.
I think this city still doing recovery from the past Century. When you think about it that way, they are doing pretty good here.
I was speaking with a french student she remarked about how this place was very alive. Then it occurred to me that I haven´t really heard a German laugh really loud or hearty in fashion. Kind of sad, kind of deserved, kind of time for that to end. It ain´t my problem.
I haven´t found anything really funny either. I wonder why? I have to remember funny things from my past. Who has a good story out there?
I couldn´t think of much to do yesterday. I wondered if I was boring because only boring people get bored. I may just stay here and go to the Heavy Metal bar every night and drink Jäger and Becks beer everynight. I can get those in the States. Girls are just pouring through the hostel I am in. French, German, and others.
I am listening to American talk radio through the computer. Peace demonstrators are so dumb. Jesse Jackson is so full of shit, he can´t believe what he says. I don´t think he is an idiot.
What shall I do on my last day in Berln?
Check on train departures and prices to Prague.
See a museum?
Hang around those French girls?
2 out of 3
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Life is like a sandwich in a box of chocolates wrapped in an enigma
Current mood: über cromulant
For some reason I like mixed metaphors. Or better still, screwed up cliches. Instead of saying "you snooze, you lose" of move your feet, lose your seat" a friend said "move your feet, you snooze!" That still makes me laugh. That friend was never known for his brains, but has always been a decent person, and that is just the tip of the cake!
There is some much dogshit on the ground in East Berlin I am afraid to look down and more, even more afraid not to look. I don't want to spend money on new shoes. Again.
Speaking of shoes, I bought a new pair of boots, for winter weather. Since in hasn't been that cold, I am practically swimming in these things. When I take my shoes off, it looks like I was in the shower for a hour. I finally found some baby powder, so it is getting better.
I don't know whether to love or hate that movie Forrest Gump. It was an entertaining film. The metaphor is a bit hard to take. The main character is retarded and loves an unfortunate tramp. Since Forrest represents America, I don't want to agree with that world view.
Still looking for a computer I can plug the camera into. Maybe in Prague.
The hostel I am in has mixed rooms. Some single sex and others aren't. There are 2 French girls in the room as well as a couple of Japanese, they are everywhere, and a couple of some former Eastern bloc country where there this morning. They relayed the best info I have heard to date. Women who are pretty are in ample supply. We have reached the good side of communism. Since there was no money, sex was based upon looks. Good looking people men would get pretty women. There was no money to factor in the equation. In the states, toady guys can get fine women if they are successful financially.
What does this say about you ladies?
I am looking forward to Belgrade.
I went to a Heavy Metal bar in my current neighborhood. They showed videos all night. Some were very funny with how tough or evil they tried to be. the music was still pretty good. The music business screws up the music. What can you do? All they want is to get you to want to fuck whoever they are promoting, bunch of crap. There will always be a punk scene, for that reason alone.
How come the music biz doesn't get put on trial for pedophilia? They are doing more to fill kids heads with thought of sex than Catholic priests ever did. Rock and Roll isn't the Devil, but Sony Records is watching the gate.
Record execs don't make news speaking to Congress . They send the artists whose righteous anger wins media approval. While the execs market the lust and don't care about the results on people.
I don´t think I will see much of Berlin today. I don't want to walk far. I sure don't want to get in a train or bus for one day at least.
Currently listening :
By Sodom
Release date: By 09 May, 2006
Monday, January 29, 2007
Berlin has been all right. Pub crawls are the best way to meet people for fun. I went on one Saturday and Sunday. Bothe were great. I like the one on sunday, a little smaller and more fun people. There was a hot Brazilian girl named Carol who I didn´t try hard enough to get. I decided to go with stimulating conversation with an Australian social worker. Natalie was pretty sharp. I couldn´t remember her email so I don´t think I will get to see her again. You never know.
Today I saw 2 girls that stayed at the same hostel in Hamburg. Small world. If I see them in Prague it will be really star crossed.
Not in a writing mood. I was out very late last night and had to get up early to switch hostels. I absolutely hated the place. Kids and families. Not my scene. No one there was any fun. I wish I knew that before I overpaid to stay there. 25€ a night. The bed I have now is 10€.
I can now find my way around the city without too much trouble.
East berlin is not quite caught up to it western side. A lot of blight, older looking buildings, and general disarray. But it is quick to get around and whatever you may need is just blocks away.
I will be here through thursday. Then to Prague and back to Zurich, probably.
Currently listening :
By Kittie
Release date: By 13 November, 2001
Sunday, January 28, 2007
What I been doing lately
I like quiet when I write.
Some of these bipeds thínk banging on the keyboard makes them type faster. No wonder I stayed at home to write.
Friday I got into,
I think I am getting a headache. I am alone, but i can´t get away from people.
Berlin is where I am right now. I pick a nice quiet place and soon somebody....enough complaing.
I have been enjoying this town for 2 days now.
It was chilling and snowing on Friday. Very wintery for the first time almost a storm. I was going to take a bus tour, but I couldn´t find the meeting place in time. I wouldn´t have seen much anyway, it was snowing that much.
I eventually found my way back to the hostel where I got a bed. Oh, I bought a winter hat, they didn´t have black so I got this deep burgandy or cabernet or soem wine color. It´s not red or purple, they had none in solid black.
I had the house dinner, chicken stew, rice, and salad. Not bad. Then I took a 2 hour nap. When the 2 other fellows in the room returned, I ventured out in to the night to find a beer and some sights.
I wen to the Potsdamner Platz. they have movies and theatrre up there. Sony has a big showcase. The BlueMan Group are also ín town. I saw a show of theirs in 1994 in NYC. I am tempted to see how much tickets are because that would be good to see alone.
There were no places to go for drinks. So after walking a few more blocks, 10 or 12 maybe, I foung a cafe that sold beer, but it closed a half hour later. I had time for 2 and I scoped that latest local paper, complete with titty shots, 3 different ones at least. Then back to the Hostel.
I saw an american girl, she was raised on promises, who talked with a friend about philosophy.
You people have no idea what it tis like to be me, every conversation you overhear sounds like the dumbest one ever.
So she says something like, 'Philosophy is all just questions, maybe I don´t know enough, but it doesn´t have any answers.'
It had to point out that Rene´ Descartes had an answer to the question: Do I really exist? Cogito Ergo Sum. Je pense, que je serait. I think therefore I am.
She hadn´t heard of him. Put down the philosophy, kids should play with sharp objects.
I went to bed.
The next day, filled with lunchmeat, cheese, cereal, and zeal, I found my way to the Zoololgischer Garten station to do a walking tour or Berlin.
The tour was given by a Scottish guy about my age. He is a writer who has been living in Berlin for 10 years. He loves it. He is trying to finish his first novel. If is reads like he told stories on the tour, it should be a one.
We learned about the founding of the city and how it came to prominence. We also got to some of the good stuff about why stuff was still there or was only partially destroyed. We visited the site of Hitler´s bunker, now an apartment block, which is the old Nazi headquarters. The Reichstag is quite impressive. The Chancellors house isn´t. The locals call it the washing machine, cause that´s what it looks like.
There is alot more but I am not typing that all out.
A few of us on the tour, those travelling alone and under 40, had some coffee and beer at a beer hall. Quite good. There Was KEnny, Tyler, Charlie, Katrina, and an Australian girl whose name I ahve forgot and gave the wrong country code for my cell number. Strike 1.
I may email Katrina and she what she says about a date. Will I do it in time? How long will she be in Town.
I returned to the Hostel for dinner and a cold shower, not on purpose, some yoga, and some map work to make it out to a pub crawl.
Made it there! A good group of Aussies, Zealanders, and Americans were out for drinks. Everyone was pretty cool ,except for 2 americans. The loud white guy with the baseball hat yelled at the bartender, shocking. The black dude from LA who never took off his shades thought he got dissed, Surprise! If I wore sunglasses all night I would have seen that coming. Neither of them made it to the club at the end. I did, bút left soon after, out of money and will.
I did find my way home and got up for breakfast.
More to come.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Here´s a post
The computer I am on has throw me off myspace 3 times now. No Idea why.
I hate kids.
Loud little fuckers.
College kids, rude little fuckers.
Now that is off my chest.
I haven´t found shit to do in Hamburg. Tours are tours. Wow, another old building. I am going to save my money, walk from place to place, and write. That is what I have time for doing.
There is no music here. I may have to try something new. Oh no!
I haven´t got an email from Seano one time except for him to bitch at me about free form jokers on the podcast site. Gee thanks. Like he owns shit.
The only time your hear anything from that guy is about what is bothering him. My life hasn´t been exactly roses and I get no support, just whining. Complain to your wife!
Ous show has gone nowhere in months. What does he think our listeners want? Entertainment. Who cares who is doing it? Here´s a show idea. Argue with your wife for an hour. That sure beats the crap out of me and Chief Drunken New Teeth.
Glad that´s out. No hard feelings.
He probably isn´t reading this anyway. How would I know?