Friday, December 07, 2007

Thoughts Today

I may move to Utah and start trying to recruit Mormons to become Catholics. I can get the Church to sponsor me, I mean they do own the best museum in the world. I've been there, they get a lot of money rolling in from the tours alone. I could get a wine per diem. I could hang out and talk to people about what a great church it is and do God's work. Not real work. Who has got an in with the Church. I could share their women and they can share my wine. It's a win-win.

I hate when you are watching something on TV and they advertise the show or sport you are already watching. Look, I'm already sold. Enough. You're losing me. Which is true. They are. I prefer to watch movies.

It's December 7th. 2007. The 66th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Imperial Japanese and the United States entry into World War 2. Let's get drunk on kamikaze shots and drive our Honda Accords home.

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