Saturday, August 19, 2006

Don't hurt your eyes

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

You can make a wallet out of duct tape.

I was reading The Cruise by Jim Anchower in The Onion. Here's the link to find more hilarious fake news and opinion. Onion The link won't publish so find it on your own. Fuck computers. OK, I got it to work but I don't feel like re-writing. The article states that a wallet can be made from duct tape. Having the motivational level of a welfare recipient, it surprised me that I was compelled to put the theory to the test. So I did. After wasting only about 2 feet of tape, here is the majestic result. Also, I showed my neighbor and he thinks it's a trendsetter. I can't wait to see the reaction when I pull it out to show my ID at a night club.

Hey, it's hot outside!

Guess what?

It is August and it is hot. You would think this isn't news, because it is a self evident occurrence. It takes no skill at all to recognize that it is hot or cold. That is why God gave us senses. It is why muskrats that live by the river are swimming in the river. Yet, for some reason, every newscast from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon feels obliged to make this a story. The epitome of lazy journalism.

Mostly the news just points out all of the different ways people can die. If you die of heatstroke, you weren't that well off anyways. Does anyone watch the news to hear about the heat they went through all day? Can't anyone do the weather by now? I think so.

Many other bloggers write about this also. Why? Are they lying around the house trying to think of something to write about? Have all issues been resolved because it's too hot and no one is being controversial because of the heat? Email your friends your opinion of global warming, that will get the controversy swirling all over again.

Do you know in the spell check for this blog, bloggers isn't in there?