Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Am I the only one who does this?

So, I work nights. I have all day to sit around and sometimes I do. I will either surf the net, watch a movie, play a game, or blog.

Sometimes I will just sit near the TV and flip channel after channel while doing not much else.

When I finally find something that I want to watch, then I start to clean my apartment or cook a meal.

I sit through a couple hours of crap and then start to take care of stuff when a good show is on the tube.

Why do I need to make sure the TV situation is fine before I can start doing anything else?
I know why I went without it for so long.

Another thing about TV, if you do something dumb enough you will get on it. You can do something really smart as well, but that takes a lot of effort most people can't or won't put forth.

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