Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Life is like a sandwich in a box of chocolates wrapped in an enigma

Current mood: über cromulant

For some reason I like mixed metaphors. Or better still, screwed up cliches. Instead of saying "you snooze, you lose" of move your feet, lose your seat" a friend said "move your feet, you snooze!" That still makes me laugh. That friend was never known for his brains, but has always been a decent person, and that is just the tip of the cake!
There is some much dogshit on the ground in East Berlin I am afraid to look down and more, even more afraid not to look. I don't want to spend money on new shoes. Again.
Speaking of shoes, I bought a new pair of boots, for winter weather. Since in hasn't been that cold, I am practically swimming in these things. When I take my shoes off, it looks like I was in the shower for a hour. I finally found some baby powder, so it is getting better.
I don't know whether to love or hate that movie Forrest Gump. It was an entertaining film. The metaphor is a bit hard to take. The main character is retarded and loves an unfortunate tramp. Since Forrest represents America, I don't want to agree with that world view.
Still looking for a computer I can plug the camera into. Maybe in Prague.
The hostel I am in has mixed rooms. Some single sex and others aren't. There are 2 French girls in the room as well as a couple of Japanese, they are everywhere, and a couple of some former Eastern bloc country where there this morning. They relayed the best info I have heard to date. Women who are pretty are in ample supply. We have reached the good side of communism. Since there was no money, sex was based upon looks. Good looking people men would get pretty women. There was no money to factor in the equation. In the states, toady guys can get fine women if they are successful financially.
What does this say about you ladies?
I am looking forward to Belgrade.
I went to a Heavy Metal bar in my current neighborhood. They showed videos all night. Some were very funny with how tough or evil they tried to be. the music was still pretty good. The music business screws up the music. What can you do? All they want is to get you to want to fuck whoever they are promoting, bunch of crap. There will always be a punk scene, for that reason alone.
How come the music biz doesn't get put on trial for pedophilia? They are doing more to fill kids heads with thought of sex than Catholic priests ever did. Rock and Roll isn't the Devil, but Sony Records is watching the gate.
Record execs don't make news speaking to Congress . They send the artists whose righteous anger wins media approval. While the execs market the lust and don't care about the results on people.
I don´t think I will see much of Berlin today. I don't want to walk far. I sure don't want to get in a train or bus for one day at least.

Currently listening :
By Sodom
Release date: By 09 May, 2006

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