Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Once you get to know them...

Last night at my job, the Speaker of the California State Assembly had a party thanking the local party staffers for their hard work during the campaigh season. I'm glad they had a good time. I just wish they lost more seats in November.
A co-worker mentioned aloud that my politics were different than theirs. Bars are off limits to religion and politics. I quickly quieted him as I was there to earn a living. Besides, it would have taken too long to convince the entire room how mistaken they were.
The night went on with the group drinking steady, not real heavy. Tips weren't exactly flowing in. It got a little frustrating. This conservative had to think, "those Dems are a lot more frugal spending their own money."
So now I am thinking about life and politics. We can deal with each other one to one and have minor difficulties. Really, how many enemies do you have? When do you get upset with people you know or even strangers? Is it over little things?
I guess getting upset over the small stuff is a problem only a few of us have. Politics magnifies our differences in ways we don't see. Because we see our own point of view and it seems to make a great deal of sense. When others vision of the way it should be is put into action, it can be very frustrating indeed.
I was in a room filled with 200 people who support abortion, affirmative action, terrorism as a legal problem, higher taxes, and big government. Stuff I think makes no sense.
And I don't think there has been a nicer group of people in there since I have worked there. They also paid us very well for our effort.
Thank you very much and good luck.
That's all I wanted to say.

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